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Homeowner’s Roofing System Inspection Guide

Here is a guide created for you, a homeowner, to inspect your roofing system and determine whether you should call Florida Roofing and Power for an estimate on repairing or replacing your roof. (Yes, I said investment vs. cost. I’ll explain why below)

Your home is not only your most valuable possession, as it is usually a family’s number one asset, but more importantly, it is your family’s protection from the elements. Your roofing system is the primary point of impact and bears the brunt of storm damage, whether from strong winds, rain, hail, or hurricanes.

Over time, these elements can break down the material on your roof, and if left unchecked, this can lead to long-term interior damage. Our primary goal is to protect your main investment: the structure that shelters your family.

With that in mind, let’s dive into your inspection checklist for conducting an at-home evaluation of your roofing system.

Inside Inspection: Yes, we can tell a lot about a roofing system from inside your home.​
What to look for:
Attic Inspection: The first place you will want to start is in your attic. Grab a flashlight and climb on up. Or Call us and we will take a look
What to look for:
Outside inspection: It is best to get on your roof, but we recommend starting from the ground for your safety.
What to look for:

Damage may appear in the following ways: shingle debris falling off your roof or coming out of your gutters, chipping of shingles, missing shingles, or any curling of shingles.

Flashing Inspection:

Flashing is the metal that hangs off the edge of your house under the shingles.

Did you identify any concerns with your roofing system? If so, there is no need for you to be concerned, Energy Shield of New Hampshire has been servicing homeowners on all of their exterior home needs for over 40 years. We have you covered!

Let’s book a free appointment to inspect your roofing system and provide an estimate if necessary. (Yes, I said “if necessary”. We don’t sell services that are not needed!) 

You can call us: 603-637-4827 or fill out our contact form: HERE

We look forward to serving you!

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